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17. How I Learned to Change Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are thoughts and opinions about ourselves and how life works based on past experience and social conditioning. Your beliefs about your past are your limitations of the future. The more you are able to let go of what you hold to be true, the more you allow what is possible, or seemingly impossible, to happen. 

In this episode, Jason goes into what limiting beliefs are, and how to take action beyond limiting beliefs to raise your standard to get access to a higher level of awareness, consciousness, ownership, and potential. To reach your full potential and do the impossible, you must loosen your grip on what you hold to be true and remove any prerequisites that your social conditioning and past experiences have instilled. 

If you like this content, join Jason every Monday at 10 am CDT for a 20-minute mindset realignment! You can join the free call every week at www.mondaymindsetreset.com.

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