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168: From $1 Million A Year To Starting Over - Exactly What to Do

In today's conversation, we welcome Jeanne Collins, a dynamic entrepreneur with five years of experience in the business world. 

As the proud owner of the lifestyle brand House of Jamar, Jeanne has successfully integrated her passions into her professional life, wearing multiple hats as a speaker, coach, and podcast host. 

During this episode, Jeanne opens up about her transition from a high-paying corporate VP position to entrepreneurship, discussing the financial and mindset challenges she has faced along the way. 

Together, Jason and Jeanne explore strategies to overcome mental blockages in achieving the same financial abundance she had before leaving corporate, emphasizing the importance of aligning one's mindset with their goals. 

Key Moments:

00:00 Entrepreneurial Transition and Financial Mindset

05:38 Job Loss Impact During COVID

07:03 Struggling with Material Desires

11:31 "Embrace Presence, Rewrite Reality"

14:37 Redirection for Success

17:07 "Five-Minute Mindset Reset"

21:14 Pivot for Success: Act Now

23:26 "Creative Inspiration Chair"

29:19 "Grateful Entrepreneur Experience"

29:50 Monday Mindset Reset Invitation


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