Alignment With Success Creates Success, Not Hard Work
Imagine putting an incomplete address into the your car's GPS and trying to get to the destination. You may get there, but it's going to take a long time.
Alignment is 100% certainty that you can hit your target.
When you're in alignment with the target, you will think different thoughts. You will feel a different flow. You'll be in the place tap into naturally inspired action and flow.
Month to Month Coaching Subscriptions
Tired of dropping big bucks to get into coaching? Tired of getting locked into long term contracts. Yeah, me too.
That is why JDC launched our new pricing structure. Monthly coaching contracts. No commitment. Pay month to month. Just like Netflix. How much does it cost? It's basically the same as a car payment. Pay 1st & last to start. That's it!
Accountability is only Necessary When you are out of Alignment

"When I first started working with Jason, I had just crossed the line of owning $3M in real estate. Owning $5M felt crazy. Owning $30M felt utterly impossible. Today, I have over $300M in assets under management in my company, Open Door Capital."
- Brandon Turner, CEO of Open Door Capital

“Since Jason’s last event in September, I grew my business from $5,000 per month to $50,000 per month and bought a Corvette Stingray. Frame-shifting has created massive results for me.”
- Jaiden Olsen, Managing Partner of Ballpark Engineering

“Closed total real estate value of $100,000,000 in last 18 months collectively. Sitting on the beach this week we made $250,000 in a single wholesale fee, have another $200,000 coming and got a house and a $1.6M apartment building under contract. And somehow I managed to print thousands of mailers while being thousands of miles away for Robot Ink Marketing which is close to having its first $100k month in revenue. Thanks, Jason Drees, for 100x mindset growth!”
- John Klingelhoets, Partner, Robot Ink Marketing
Contracts Include:
- Month to Month billing, just like Netflix.
- 60 or 90 minutes of coaching per month
- 60 minute kickoff call (Free additional 30 minutes during month #1)
- Pay 1st & last month to start
- Hand-selected placement with a JDC Master Coach based on your Intake Questionnaire and DISC profile
- Access to Mindset Academy
- Do the Impossible Quick Start Course
- Access to a private JDC client community